Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Task 10: Damage and repair.

Finally, I forced myself to do this again.
It has stayed in the plastic bag for quite some time.

The task.
I was seriously confused by this task. Which image to alter? The image with big dots? Damage? How? What's the definition of damage here? Not destroy. But damage, only. Argh. What the hell.

"All my life I've been good but now
I'm thinking 'what the hell'!
All I want is to mess around
I don't really care about!"

I was listening to Avril's new song 'What the hell' when doing this task. Seriously, what the hell. I was a little fed up by the confusion and the procrastinate attitude of mine (to avoid doing this annoying lack-of-direction task). So, I went to gather up the tools and ingredients, and commanded myself to do it immediately!


Before damaging.

After the violent scartching by scissor.
I didn't know which page to damage, so I damaged both pages.
Since I was already really getting crazy, due to the accumulation of the tense/anxious feeling before starting this task, I decided to ruin it further. Not just little bit of scratching.
Ok, I almost tear them into 2 pieces, but I think again, it doesn't want us to destroy it. So, I stopped there.
(I know I was thinking too much. Can't help. I have to learn to let go and not to be so tense for everything. wth.)
Then, finally came to the part I feel more comfortable with: repair.
Repair could make bad things look good. Makes uglies beautiful again. I have this little attitude from Virgo - perfectionism. Not on everything, but particularly for stuffs I care about only. I can be really messy in life. But seriously, as I said in the first post, I try to control things, which makes me feel so difficult.

Anyway, here I repair the ruined.
I remember there is this line about ruin in Eat Pray Love: Ruined, is the path for transformation.
(So true and so good, comforting me)
The broken.

This is the back page.

The task doesn't require repair for the back page, I did it anyway.
I didn't know how to repair. I did some research on the hints given by this task: Japanese Boro Textiles

Japanese Boro Textile

Japanese Boro Textile

I still don't really get it. I think it's about patching up and covering the holes right?
Argh. Who fucking cares.
So I just do it my way. Cut the images I like and patched them up on the broken parts.

I love Stars. Stars represent hopes in Tarot. :)

Not too bad after all.
I think it was the first step is hard. Everything becomes so easy after the first step is taken.

Next task, put me into an even-more-clueless situation.
Maybe not too hard after all. Just follow the instinct right.
There is no right or wrong anyway. Not as if in school where I need to pass it up for marking.

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