Wednesday, 8 June 2011

16th: Bright Stars.

That day, I was drawing these stars.
That day, I was cutting these stars.
That day, I was watching Bright Stars.
The sunlight shine through the lace curtain and laid on these stars.
What a coincidence, again, here they are - the bright stars.

The fun.
I let the star drop and then paint on them.
(Alright, I confess, that I cheated. I adjust the stars slightly... At the same time I moved the star to the position I want, I told myself not to do it purposely because the book wants it to be messed up and not trying to make things beautiful!
Wth. I'm in contradiction agaisnt myself. Urgh.
And I gotta say, it's not totally my fault, as the star didn't really drop properly on the right place, for where I mean on the book, I can't paint outside the book right? So, not my fault, at some point. la-di-da~)

Yellow is a must for a star!

Done with pastels.

Trying hard not to control it to the right place (although I still adjust a bit...a bit!):
Colour-pencils series.
I must admit that, I quite like the natural position (with A BIT of adjustment)

Poster colours on!

I like it. I like it~

I like the crossover :)

Final result before further messing up.

Because I saw that the colour pencils are water soluble, so I thought I could blend them into watercolour form by a really wet (I mean it, wet! with water-dropping) tissue. I rubbed the really-wet-tissue over the colourpencil stains, but... it didn't really turn out to be as what I expected:

It just got really messed up.
 So, ta-da! The final result:
I like it actually, messy enough :D

Goodbye my stars :( Too dirty to keep.

Monday, 16 May 2011

15? - Melt the crayons? (I doubt that.)

Finally it's back. The 15th?

  So here it started.

Bits of crayons.
I put a paper in between the iron and the book, so that the iron wouldn't get dirty. I'm still a little bit of trying too hard to control things. 
Fold the page into half before ironing.
Anyway, I was not really satisfied with the first outcome:
The first outcome.

Nothing much happened. The crayons didn't melt completely.
  So, here's the second attempt:

Added more! more! more!

Still, not much effect.
Not much, still. Even I have tried really hard to press the iron over the page.
I stopped here.

Well, that's all for today.
I am a bit not in the mood to post a blog.
It's time to sleep. Nights people.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

14th: Get your hand dirty! (Urgh...Eww...Yucks!)

Long long time ago, I did the 13th. Finally here is the 14th.

I would rather kill myself to spill colours/glue/eggs/ice cream/etc./whatever onto my face.
I'd really rather to kill myself.

I don't want to use my face!!! Hell no! So I used my hand.

So, I think, it's really disgusting, to put something oily/waterly on the clean hand. Especially, you need to do it purposely and looking at the disgusting stuffs dropping onto your hand. I just don't know how to express that feeling.

After trying hard to get rid of the colours and trying hard to make the page dirty.

Anyways, I really had enough of this. My hands were sticky after rubbing the colours all over the page. It's so dirty. I mean my hands! I just don't fucking care about the book is getting dirty now. My anxious towards the book is over. Now it's my hands.

Had enough for today.

I really had enough today.
So, that's it.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

13th: Imitated Jackson Pollock (Learning, perhaps.)

I am abit bored of the word 'task'. It makes the whole thing so dull, slowly, I don't even enjoy this thing. It's like we won't feel excited every morning over the process of getting ready right, brushing teeth washing face etc. Ok, there is always exception.
Anyway, I decided not to use the word 'task' anymore.

Here we go, today's FUN!

I think I am getting used to this whole thing. I can easily open the book, grab the colours, grab the tools and start doing it. Maybe, it's the beginning is hard. Once we faced the fear and get used to it, we won't feel difficulty anymore. Although I am not sure that if the problem/fear is solved or it's just temporarily adapted.

Anyway, here it is, after grabbing the tools and ingredients. I started swinging the brush, splattering the colours.
The first stroke was timid. However, I started to enjoy the swinging motion, the colour choosing process after few strokes.
I do enjoy them. Finally, I learned to enjoy them!
This is where the peace comes from. After we let go the fear and the worries, let go the controls, the peace comes.
That is the begin of everything :)

After the brush, then flinging the book, to remove the excess of colours and water.
Remove the excess.
Luckily there is the plastic bag, (which I use to cover this book, I didn't open a new plastic bag k. I love the earth :D), that covered the table. The colours were everywhere.
Even on my laptop screen :-O Luckily it's not acrylic ...
My laptop screen :S

The final work!
Before ending this post, here is the hint given by the book:
Jackson Pollock
Of course, mine is not like his work, so abstract so artistic so carefree so cool so....etc.
He is the famous artist, I am not.

Well, that's all for today :)

Monday, 28 March 2011

Task twelve: Mess up the shirt.

Task of the day.

I am bored by the doddling, so I dropped some coffee on it.

Is this happened because the watercolour is left untouched for too long?
What is this liquid stuffs from the watercolours?

Surprised by rubbing away the disgusting liquid :-O

Sometimes, something that we dislike about, might give us some good surprise. 

I actually like the mess.

So,let's treasure everything happens in life, regardless good or bad.